Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Stalker Problems

Rachel True from Half and Half has stalker problems. Here is what TMZ is saying. True is currently the obsession of a nutcase who was arrested on Nov. 27 outside her home carrying a rather large sex toy. The woman, Elenora Redmon, said she wanted to “fuck [Rachel] with a cobra.”

True, who may or may not be a lesbian, promptly took out a temporary restraining order (TRO).

"According to the TRO request, Elenora has been stalking Rachel for a year and a half, showing up at her house and sending her creepy emails like “Why did you shut your curtains?” — many of which were sexually explicit.

Elenora has been ordered to stay 150 yards away from Rachel at all times — which should be easy, because she’s currently behind bars on $150,000 bail for the sex toy arrest. The TRO hearing is scheduled for December 17th."

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