Tuesday, September 29, 2009

My Pain = Grief!

Embedded video from CNN Video

I battled with myself about this story.

I just kept looking at Derrion Albert’s face, however, I became numb, unconscious and anesthetized by the young man that appeared to be staring back at me.

You often hear about stories such as this, and after growing up seeing it day in and day out like myself you think well that’s the norm and part of life when you grow up in the inner city. As a teen I would motivate myself by saying. . . B it will make you stronger, so I thought.

However, I ended up having this nonchalant attitude about teen violence, about my life, about my neighborhood, and about my parents, teachers, counselors and advisors that were suppose to protect me.

Respect for Authority, Fear, nor Consequences, seem to never be on the forefront of young teens minds today. Yet, in hindsight twenty-twenty I was that teen. I was the kid that literally hated everyone. I hated junior high, I hated high school, and so many of my peers I wanted to take out on many occasions. I was invincible, and the school bully was my nemesis. I was just waiting for them to say something smart to me. My plan was in motion and I wanted them to feel the wrath of my anger and frustration. They always said the quiet ones were a little touched. I so wanted to prove them right, however, was death my ultimate goal?

Death seems to me the ultimate goal for this generation. Whether intentional or unintentional a good ol’ fashion fight in the yard at 3:45 p.m. behind the bungalows with no one else jumping in is a joke. It’s all about taken each other out. And, hopefully, I will get you first and you don’t ever get back up!

Derrion Albert is gone, and the other young men that are involved have been changed forever. If we could only rewind the hands of time.

If only Derrion was out sick that day, or stayed behind to work on a school project or had to attend after school practice, perhaps he may still be here.

Often we here that infamous cliché that everything happens for a reason, however, Lord I don’t want to hear that today.

I can’t seem to comprehend a reason that would ever be good enough to take that young man’s life so soon!

We need help LORD ASAP!

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