Whatever you may think about the status of Health Care in this country, don’t look to the media for answers. The mainstream media in America no longer informs the public of what it needs to know.
Take the whole Health Care debate.
President Barack Obama wants to drastically overhaul our health care system. Is the mainstream media properly evaluating this proposal and laying out the facts such as how much it would cost average Americans and would the plan cover everyone? Or put more simply, is the media doing its job as reporters of the facts?
The answer, is no!
The mainstream media doesn’t do that anymore because they've already chosen one side of the debate. So instead of reporting the merits of Obama’s plans, they instead act as spin doctors trying to sell socialized medicine as necessary for the country to adopt.
This does the American people a great disservice!
This is why Fox News, talk radio, the Internet, and yes this blog, are the places where the American people can come to get the real deal of what’s happening out there and what your government is trying to do.
Stay hungry for information, and tell others where to get it.
Samuel Gonzalez, The Last Tradition, 8/2/09
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