The community organizer from Chicago, otherwise known as President Barack Obama, is showing the country what he really is, a street thug.
The president cannot sell his Health Care plan on the merits because the American people have read the fine print. So, in a desperate attempt to squelch the rites of average Americans to voice their opposition to government take over of health care, Obama has seen fit to call on his friends in the Labor Unions to send in burly goons to town hall meetings around the country to psychologically and if necessary physically attack American citizens.
This is outrageous!
What have we become, Nazi Germany?
Is this what the voters voted for?
Shame on you, Mr. President.
Dems Assault Obamacare Opponents at Tampa Bay Town Hall
The Service Employees International Union (SEIU) and other hard left organizations have been summoned by the White House to “Astroturf” the health care debate at Congressional town hall forums around the country. Caught flat-footed by the overwhelming grassroots opposition to Obamacare, the President called on his hired guns to construct a façade of support for his government takeover of health care.
Rep. Kathy Castor (D-Fla.) set up a last-minute town hall meeting in the Tampa Bay area last night in conjunction with the SEIU. Democrats again underestimated the broad scope of opposition to ObamaCare. As word of the covert town hall began to spread midday on Twitter, a HUMAN EVENTS sister site, RedState.com, put out a notice of the town hall on its front page calendar, garnering a Red State shout out from Rush Limbaugh himself.
Castor and the SEIU had expected to stage the 250-seat event with support for the cameras, but police estimate over 1,500 people showed up for the event -- the overwhelming majority opposing Obamacare. A testy Castor gave a short speech and left in frustration when booing drowned out the manufactured applause. Castor slipped in and out a back door, not mingling with constituents, when her faux-support-pep-rally-photo-op scheme was blown out of the water.
Samuel Gonzalez, The Last Tradition & Connie Hair, Human Events, 8/7/09
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