I’m beginning to get alarmed over what I’m seeing lately. Maybe I’m overreacting. But, I get the feeling that the GOP can make a mess of a good situation.
President Obama has been exposed for the empty suit that he is and still the GOP is still acting timidly not wanting to engage when opportunity knocks.
John McCain this morning refused to say that Harry Reid should resign his position as Senate Majority leader for making racially insensitive comments about Barack Obama. McCain was being McCain when he refused to go that road. But, where is Mitch McConnell, Eric Cantor, or other prominent voices calling for Reid’s resignation?
Why is it that only talk radio and Michael Steele are doing the heavy lifting?
This is why I’m worried!
We have too many, forgive me Lord, CHICKEN SHIT Republicans that are too timid to engage Democrats in any rhetorical battle that involves race. Nonetheless, in this case, which can be another teaching moment for the American people, Republicans refuse to point out that when Trent Lott praised Strom Thurmond’s run for president in 1948, Republicans sat back and let Democrats label Thurmond as only a segregationist without also pointing out that he was A DEMOCRAT at the time.
Can we get the history straight once and for all?
Oh nooooo waaaaay!
As soon as it becomes about race, Republicans run and hide. They never speak up for their own history in which they were the party that freed the slaves.
Republicans were the party who supported Civil Rights legislation.
It was the Democrats like Robert Byrd, William Fullbright-Bill Clinton’s mentor, and Al Gore Sr. who dragged their feet kicking and screaming to set Blacks free and let them vote and let them have equal access to public accommodations.
I’m sick of this soft attitude that refuses to fight ruthless Democrats that won’t hesitate to use racial politics to destroy any Republican at any time and they do it over and over again because Republicans are too scared to put up a fight.
So what else do we do?
We take pot shots at Michael Steele.
Oh, that really helps the cause.
For example, a blog well worth reading, My Voice on the Wings of Change takes Steele to task for a variety of reasons. And I have my problems with Steele also.
Nevertheless, how is publicly criticizing him helpful in this environment when Democrats will be all too happy to use it as a wedge against Conservatives?
Can we get our act together?
From The Last Tradition
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