Senate Majority leader Harry Reid had to apologize on Saturday for referring to President Barack Obama as “light-skinned” with “no Negro dialect”. Reid, whose poll numbers are dropping like the temperature accross the country, chose to perform the mia culpa because his racially insensitive remarks will appear in an upcoming book about the 2008 prudential campaign.
This is the same Harry Reid who compared Republicans to those in the South who wanted keep slavery as the status quo, for their opposition to ObamaCare.
As I’ve argued before on this blog, Harry Ried willfully misrepresented the history of his own party on the Senate floor in which Democrats were the original enslavers of Black people and it was Democrats like Robert Byrd, formerly of the KKK, who filibustered the 1964 Civil Rights Act.
I’m not shocked by these remarks by Reid because it is indicative of the deception of the Democrat Party who has successfully hoodwinked Blacks into thinking the former slave owners and segregationalists like Democrat George Wallace who once famously said, “Segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever!”, are their friends in all things political.
Every now and then the true colors of the Democrat Party slips out. And that's what happened with Reid.
Don’t expect the African American community to reevaluate their allegiance to the Democrat party because for them and the Democrats, the enslavement of minds to a false history still continues.
And the plantation is still open for business.
See Memeorandum
See Las Vegas Review Journal
From The Last Tradition
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