Well, it didn’t take long for me to come up with a following up story to what I posted yesterday about NYC Democrats and how they skillfully use “non-profit” organizations they control to steal taxpayers’ money.
Well, what do you, the New York Times, of all people is blowing the whistle on the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC).
The CBC are the same people , when they’re not busy using class ware and other populist rhetoric to demonize large corporations, as the “the enemy” of the downtrodden working-class, but when the cameras and microphones are shut off, they have no problem snuggling up close to America’s largest corporations like Wal-Mart, AT&T, and Altria, the nation’s largest tobacco company, with their grubby, graft-stained hands to collect more money to pay off the mortgage on its foundation’s stately 1930s redbrick headquarters on Embassy Row.
In public, they do a deceitful dance with pitchforks in tow to rile up Black folks and bash corporate America.
But, the CBC also pole-dances like a stripper on K Street and uses their favorite money laundering device—non-profit organizations, to rake in dough in the shadows away from prying eyes.
The Times reports:
The caucus says its nonprofit groups are intended to help disadvantaged African-Americans by providing scholarships and internships to students, researching policy and holding seminars on topics like healthy living.

But the bulk of the money has been spent on elaborate conventions that have become a high point of the Washington social season, as well as the headquarters building, golf outings by members of Congress and an annual visit to a Mississippi casino resort.
In 2008, the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation spent more on the caterer for its signature legislative dinner and conference — nearly $700,000 for an event one organizer called “Hollywood on the Potomac” — than it gave out in scholarships, federal tax records show.
Rep Barbara Lee, chairwoman of CBC had the nerve to say this:

“Historically, we’ve been known as the conscience of the Congress, and we’re the ones bringing up issues that often go unnoticed or just aren’t on the table.”
The CBC are bunch of corrupt PC-protected scammers and scoundrels of the congress that are no different from urban criminals praying on the people. And when they're criticized, they pull out the race card

There's a saying in the hood, "Don't hate the player, hate the game!"
These Democrats play the politcal hustle well.
But, they do their dirt with a wink, a smile, and a request for your vote.
Via New York Times
Via Talking Points Memo
Via Memeoradum
From The Last Tradition
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