When I received this I had to share ... DISCLAIMER B'wood so didn't write this.
But, let it been know Mr. or Mrs. Author, B'wood is right there with you. We ain't the only freaks out there!
"Biastophilia is a paraphillia in which a person gets sexual pleasure from participating in the act of rape.
DO NOT think I am telling any of you to read this and go get your Kobe Bryant on this weekend because Hello Kitty Slut was talking about it.
Rape is a horrible thing and a crime.
Biastophilia is a scene where one person wants to be dominant while the other plays the submissive role of the victim. I’m sure that some of you are sitting here reading this like “Yeah this is fu*kin crazy, don’t nobody WANT to be “mock raped”. Surprisingly though there are lots of women (and a whole lot of men for that matter . . . trust me, B'wood done seen enough porn in my life. Hey, what can I say I'm a Porn Connoisseur) who want to partake in such scenes.
These folks have a paraphillia that’s called raptophilia. Raptophiliacs are people who fantasize or act on the fantasy of being “mock raped”. As a sufferer of this paraphillia I would like to tell you studies have shown that 31-57% of women have these type fantasies.*
Now I bet your wondering how exactly one pulls off this scene.
2. Although I myself am not a fan of safe words (I think there for pussies)-a safe word is highly recommended in this scene.
While one person may just like the idea of being overpowered, another person may want to be overpowered, tied up & thrown in a burlap sack left to hang for a time then be brutally taken with the aid of toys or even by multiple partners.
In your planning, discuss important details specific to your/your partner’s needs and desires. What I am getting at is that you both need to know what degree of this is fantasy, what is gonna get you/them off and where the limit is. You both need to know what the other’s expectations are in specific detail. Something I can’t stress enough to the people who will be taking on the roll of attacker is that you’ve got to go for it. You can be careful beforehand to get the conditions right, but if you switch off and get all ‘considerate’ in the act, the moment is gone.
In closing folks I want to give you all a few tips that I have learned over the years to help you enjoy your fantasy fun without ending up in jail, being kicked out of a hotel or at Bed Bath & Beyond buying new lamps.
If your going to do a “surprise” scene make sure that you remove anything you don’t want broken. This scene can become rough (if that’s what your into) and trust me when I tell you its no fun to be up in Best Buy looking for a new television because you accidentally kicked the old one off the TV stand while being flung around.
Its not really a good idea to hold a person at knife point in a hotel. Most hotels nowadays have cameras and they frown upon that sort of thing. Ski masks are also a no-no. They will send security to your room and demand you open the door to prove your ok. That can fu*k up a good scene if your not prepared for it. Consider yourself prepared now-do that kind of sh*t at HOME.
If screaming is part of the fantasy that excites you, be considerate of your neighbors. Having the police called to your home because your neighbor dialed 911 after they heard someone screaming rape-not good times.
SideBar ~ OMG, I so get off on this on the regular. What can I say I like to get ruff with it!
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