Here’s the story the Left and their hooker friends in the media are bending over backwards not to make a big stink over.
After all, they’re too busy finding out how Rand Paul feels about the 1964 Civil Rights Act. That’s much more relevant, right?
From The New York Post:
US Senate candidate Richard Blumenthal has been caught yet again insinuating he served in Vietnam when he never set foot there.
The latest embarrassment to the once-soaring Connecticut Democratic hopeful comes from the archives of the Milford Mirror, a weekly paper.
While addressing a crowd at a 2007 Memorial Day parade -- which included the family of a Marine killed in Iraq -- Blumenthal said,
"In Vietnam, we had to endure taunts and insults, and no one said, welcome home."
The Democrat added, "I say, welcome home."
In fact, Blumenthal had never served in Vietnam.
During the war, he received five draft deferments before eventually enrolling in the US Marine Corps Reserves.
His duties never required him to leave the United States.
But that hasn't stopped Blumenthal on multiple occasions during his political career from saying he served "in Vietnam." There are now at least four such instances when he said or implied he was in Vietnam.
Despite the revelations, state Democrats gave Blumenthal their endorsement last night to run for the seat vacated by Chris Dodd, who is retiring.
"I have made mistakes. I regret them. And I have taken responsibility," Blumenthal told his fellow Dems. "I'm proud of my service. I'm proud of the work I've done for veterans."
State Rep. Andrew Fleischmann indicated he could look past what Blumenthal said.
"I do think it's unfortunate he had some of the statements he made but this convention is with him and everyone is human," he said.
On Tuesday, Blumenthal said he'd never meant to embellish his war record and had merely "misspoken."
Meanwhile, Blumenthal's Republican opponents held their state convention in Hartford yesterday and chose Linda McMahon, the co-founder of World Wrestling Entertainment, as their nominee.
Yesterday she called the news of Blumenthal's additional Vietnam claims "incredulous."
"Of all things, to infer you have served in wartime, it's something that struck at the heart to so many people," she said.
Said GOP Senate hopeful Rob Simmons: "With each passing day, it becomes more clear that Richard Blumenthal did not simply misspeak about his military service, but that he misled."
Full story
How about the man lied his ass off for 30 yesrs?
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