It’s really hilarious to see the Left frantically squealing about Rand Paul and all these discussions about the 1964 Civil Rights Act.
Pardon me, but when Conservatives were pointing out Barack Obama’s close association with unrepentant terrorists Bill Ayers, wasn’t one of the Left’s retorts was that Obama was only 7 years old or so when Ayers was blowing up government buildings?
Well, it doesn’t seem that turnabout is fair play because the Left has no problem asking Rand Paul about the 1964 Civil Rights act even though he was still in diapers at the time.
The truth is the Left is playing their divert and distract games to draw attention away from Democrat AG Richard Blumenthal’s bombshell revelation that he lied about serving in Viet Nam for the past 30 years.
But, bigger than that, Barack Obama’s poll numbers are steadily sinking according to the latest Harris poll.
Stay tuned for more divert and distract tactics in the coming months with a generous dose of pulling the card to remind Black people who their friends are.
That’s right, I said it!
From NewsMax:
Nearly 3 out of 5 Americans give President Obama negative job ratings, according to The Harris Poll.
The actual tally is 58 percent negative and 42 percent positive, according to the May 10-17 poll, released Friday. It is almost unchanged from last month, when 59 percent ranked him negatively, and 41 percent, positively.
Harris pollsters noted that it is not surprising that 92 percent of Republicans chalk up negative rankings, but noted that 68 percent of independents and 25 percent of Democrats also do.
Although 77 percent say he’s a tough fighter for issues he believes in, and two-thirds believe he usually gets his own way, some also believe that he has piled his plate too high.
Full story
Via NewsMax
The Last Tradition
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