Our Far Left friends at Think Progress love to give people of faith a hard time.
You would think that since they have one of their own, Barack Obama, sitting in the White House, these miserable Lefties would be happier and the world a better place.
However, that doesn’t seem to be the case. They are just as miserable or even more so than ever.
Sharon Angle appeared on a radio show and was asked a question concerning her views on abortion:
This is the title of the story that appeared on Think Progress website along with some comments from their readers
Sharron Angle Is Against Abortion In Cases Of Rape Or Incest: It Would Interfere With God’s ‘Plan’
Bozo The Neoclown says:
Sharron Angle is a right wing extremist fruitcake.
har5125 says:
Sharron Angle says she is for government regulation to make abortion illegal. But isn’t have less government intervention one of the primary principles of her Tea Party?
glogrrl says:
I think Sharron Angle has already interfered with “God’s Plan” to have rational, intelligent people running the country.
She is batshit crazy.
Leporello, Join the Army and see the Navy! says:
So following her logic, if I get a terminal illness, I shouldn’t have it treated. Obviously it’s part of her god’s plan that I take a dirt nap, problem solved!
And as we watch the (Formerly) Grand Old Party slowly settle in the water we say, WTF???
glogrrl says:
But isn’t have less government intervention one of the primary principles of her Tea Party?
Oh, that only counts when it isn’t abortion or gay marriage. Or separation of church and state.
P.D. says:
This woman has no chance against Reid. She is for Prohibition and is a whore for Big Business. No wonder the Repugs want to keep her under wraps. She is an embarrassment.
DRxJ (Striving for a Troll Free Tomorrow, Today!) says:
You know, as a proud Christian myself, I easily tire of the “It is all God’s plan” type theory! It’s usually played when all arguments have failed.
So, if it is God’s will to allow incest and rape as a form of salvation and faith, then wouldn’t it be also His will that allowed the Supreme Court to pass Roe vs. Wade in 1973, legalizing abortions?And wasn’t it His will that got PRESIDENT Obama elected by a wide margin?
Skywatch says:
So rape and incest are part of God’s plan, according to Angle?
Wow. Angle takes sick and twisted to a whole new level.
Bozo The Neoclown says:
how can what someone said and believe in be a “smear piece”. the teabagging filth needs to embrace their nuttiness like sharron angle, letting it hang right out there for the world to see
sandyeggogirl says:
If I get raped, I’m leaving the baby on her doorstep.
People, people of Nevada:
Are you really going to vote out your Leader of the Senate for this tea-bagging nut burger? Are you?
Bozo The Neoclown says:
if it weren’t for the product of incest, angle wouldn’t have any supporters.
These were only a small sample of the over 160 comments this article generated.
One of the favorite tactics of the Left is to try and marginalize all opposition. In Sharon Angle’s case, they’re trying portray her as being an extremist.
However, what the Left can never understand, because they’re basically Godless people anyway, is that Angle represented an orthodox Christian point-of view that believes God is sovereign over all things.
Sometimes, some pretty unpleasant things can happen to you in life. Read the story of Job and find out how bad it can get.
And even though rape and incest accounts for less than half of a 1 percent of all pregnancies in the United States, even that small number of innocent babies should have the right to life.
Angle got it right!
And as usual The Left is hopelessly wrong!
Via Think Progress
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