Tuesday, April 20, 2010

I am the one....you want....

I grant you the written authority to pull my rap sheet
I know I’ve been involved in some risky business lately
but because I was lost, given and taken to the unknown
I began remembering you, 2:48am; became a stolen moment
an eternal remorse...of this 9-20 heartache...tightly held with
a long goodbye....I continued listening to the mumbo jumbo of
words #101....best said and some left unspoken and untitled...but also
left in hindsight, freefalling, from memory....my pride’s resignation
cried out “O’Wherica is my America”! Destiny brought forth dry tears
Constellation’s surrender, sang me a sweet lullaby....it hovered in the
midnight sky.....every 12th of July...this is why....what it is, for me a
Jublilee! And for the record, “Like father, like son....I am the one you
want.....take me....I’m yours!

By just passionate

I liked your
i even liked the faces you made
you liked f*cking...with
my emotions
making me feel like sh*t
liked going out with me at night.... then sneaking around with him
you like the fact that i was too shy to speak up but f*ck
i liked you i don't love you
see i wanted you i don't need you
I don't need someone that's going to make me feel like the prize that i am
I need someone that's going to make me want to shine
so you can call him over all you want but i hope i haunt your mental

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