For years whenever somebody asked me, "Why are you a Conservative?", my response has always been, "Why aren’t you?”
What usually follows after that is I'd see dumbfounded expression on their faces, mouths would usually drop to the floor, and they would say one of the following statements:
• Conservatives are for the rich
• Conservatives are racists
• Conservatives are for White people
There's some other common responses, but these three in essence capture the overall sentiments of most Black folks or Latinos for that matter. This mind set has been around for nearly 50 years. It’s a mindset that has enslaved people of color for far too long.
Jimmy Carter, a supporter of the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas who are dedicated to the destruction of the state of Israel, and as president presided over a weak economy that featured double-digit inflation, double-digit interest rates, and double-digit unemployment, and while under his watch Americans were held hostage for 444 days in Iran by a bunch of rag-tag Iranian thugs, thinks he has the moral authority to cast aspersions on the character of fellow Americans and accuse them of being racists for simply disagreeing with President Obama’s policies.
Pulling out the accusation of Racism is a favorite tactic of Liberals and it is often used because they can never win arguments on the merits. They insidiously know that the strategy works on the intended audience-people of color. It its used because the tactic helps to reinforce a mindset. It’s the same kind of mindset that would lead a group of Black teenagers to accuse a friend of trying to be “white” just because he wanted to stay home and study his schoolwork.
How long will the mind lock continue?
Shame only seems to work when it comes to political affiliation. Black people are shamed into voting Democrat by other Black people only because they have been fed the same group think. They don’t want to be seen as being different because the cost of social isolation is too high. The Democrat party knows this and continues to oil the wheels of mimdlock.
How long will the mind lock continue?
How about thinking for yourself and deciding on your own as to what your values really are?
I’m a proud Conservative and I vote for the candidate that matches my values. Most Black people and Latinos are really conservatives. But when it comes to politics, the community shame that tells them how they should to think, kicks in. So they go and vote for the candidate that supports the murder of the unborn (abortion).
50 million babies snuffed out since 1973.
It's the American Holocaust America doesn't want to acknowledge. But, that's only one issue where Black folks vote against their conscience and still continue to support the Democrat Party who are the chief defenders of abortion.
Democrats love to paint Republicans as racists. But did you know that of all the lynching that went on in America, an overwhelming majority of them were perpetrated by Democrats?
How long will the mind lock continue?
When Lincoln freed the slaves, your minds were included in the deal.
Samuel Gonzalez, The Last Tradition, 9/16/09
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