When I heard that a New Jersey public school was using school children to sing praises to President Barack Hussein, eh…is it okay for me to say his middle name now? Just checking because I still don’t know the rules on that. As I was saying, when I heard that school kids were singing praises to President Barack Hussein Obama, I wasn’t shocked. That’s just what the Liberal-controlled school systems do no matter how much they may try and deny it.
However, when I realized that they lifted a stanza from a Christian song, Jesus Loves The Little Children, and exchanged “Barack Hussein Obama” for “Jesus”, I became irate.
I won’t go as far as saying that these Liberal educators committed heresy or even a sacrilege. But, what they did was insensitive and highly disrespectful to all Christians not only in this country, but around the world.
These Christian lyrics:
Jesus loves the little children
All the children of the world
Black and yellow, red and white
They're all precious in His sight
Jesus loves the little children of the world
Were changed to:
Barack Hussein Obama
He said Red, Yellow, Black or White
All are equal in his sight
Mmm, mmm, mmm!
A Christian song is not just a thing one sings for entertainment value. We Christians consider the singing of these songs as a form of worship like praying, reading the Bible, attending church and giving of tithes. I don’t expect Liberals to really understand because Ann Coulter was right after all about our Liberal brethren, they really are Godless. For them, a profession of faith is mostly lip service, or something that one does to keep up appearances. They really don’t believe in Jesus Christ anyway.
Lets be real.
But instead of having a discussion about the value of faith, I propose a compromise with all Liberals in this country. You can bastardize any Christian song you want and insert President Obama’s name to your hearts content since you feel the need to deify this president, in exchange for agreeing to bring back prayer in the public schools.
Let’s reinstate this payer that you Liberals found so offensive in 1962’s Engel v. Vitale Supreme Court decision:
“Almighty God, we acknowledge our dependence upon Thee, and we beg Thy blessings upon us, our parents, our teachers and our country. Amen.”
Let’s dispense with all the phony talk about the separation of church and state that really doesn’t appear in the constitution anyway. You get to sing songs to Obama and we get to have our children pray to a real deity that you don’t believe in.
So what’s the harm?
I think this is a fair bargain.
President Obama, while visiting Turkey, said that the United States was no longer a Christian country, right? According to him we’re one of the largest Muslim countries in the world. But, I doubt highly you would usurp any Muslims songs any time soon.
That would be going too far.
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