Saturday, July 25, 2009

Joseph "Erap" Estrada and Ai-Ai Delas Alas Talk About Their Upcoming Star Cinema Movie

After 22 years, Former President Joseph "Erap" Estrada is set to do a grand movie comeback this year opposite the Box-office Comedy Queen Ai-Ai delas Alas.

The comedienne and the screen legend-turned-country leader will play husband and wife in the still untitled romantic comedy film by Star Cinema and will be directed by Wenn Deramas.

The movie will revolves around the forthcoming wedding of their daughter played by Toni Gonzaga to her boyfriend played by Sam Milby.

Also included in the cast is Mommy Dionisia Pacquiao who will play as Sam Milby's mother.

Watch below Erap and Ai-Ai talk about the movie:

So what do you think of the film's cast? Blockbuster or Flop?

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