Saturday, August 20, 2011

Striking Verizon workers use Obama/Alinsky community organizing tactics to protest outside Verizon VPs home

If there’s one thing Barack Obama knows how to do well, is to get people to protest in a very confrontational way. He learned it from his guru Saul Alinsky.

45,000 Verizon union workers are currently on strike because they feel they shouldn’t have to contribute a dime towards their health care insurance. They figure since Verizon is making billions, they can afford to cover the cost.

It was this type of thinking that sent GM into bankruptcy by covering the costs of their employees past, present, and future. The lesson Verizon has learned is that eventually costs only increase over time and a profitable company becomes unprofitable.

I have no sympathy for this entitlement minded Verizon union workers. If I and other emloyees have to contribute to my healthcare, so should these Verizon union workers. But, they think they’re special, when they’re not.

So they’re following the Obama/Alinsky playbook they tried up in Wisconsin to intimated Verizon exexs to get their way.

Fox Nation reports: Members of IBEW camp out in front of the private residence of a Verizon VP and fill the neighborhood with shouts and chants. This follows the latest trend of protesters invading the neighborhoods of their adversaries disturbing the peace of their neighbors and family members. This time, the IBEW brought a giant, inflatable rat.

I don't know how these Verizon union workers can portest in a residential neigborhood and not get arrested for distrubing the peace?

This is illegal!

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