Monday, March 28, 2011

Where Are They Now? ANTM Winners

Continuing our look at winners on ANTM, Cycle 8 was won by Jaslene Gonzalez – the first Latina to get this far.

Jaslene and Tyra. Notice how Tyra is 'on top'?

One of the slimmest girls to win, and with a more ‘typical’ model figure, Jaslene has worked in the US, Malaysia and Asia and been on the covers of numerous magazines. She has walked for Sass and Bide, Armani Exchange, Project Runway and numerous Latin designers.

She also leads ‘Runway Retreat’ workshops which she says she ‘take the lessons I learned, like when I was in Malaysia, and break the mould of what beauty means. It's open to all girls, not just Latina girls. I don't want to limit it because I'm promoting a broader idea of beauty that shines from within.’

Cycle 9 - Saleisha Stowers
Saleisha was a model before she was recruited for the show and had worked on The Tyra Banks show, done an ad campaign for Wendy’s and had a bit part in Ugly Betty. She had also attended Tyra’s self esteem camp for girls which is why people were whispering ‘fix’ when Saleisha went on to win the competition. Did she even need the show – sounds like she was doing ok!


She is now a working model at L.A. Model Management.

Cycle 12 – Teyona Anderson
With a body to die for and a ‘wind in the face look’ we guessed Teyona would go far.

Since the show, Teyona has walked in nearly 30 shows in Arise Cape Town Fashion Week and taken part South Africa Fashion Week. She has modelled for Destiny Magazine, Glamour Magazine (South Africa) and Soul Magazine.


Teyona is still with Elite Model Management in New York and Cape Town and a big hit in South Africa.

Cycle 14 – Krista White
Never have we seen someone want is as bad as Krista! At 24 she was considered ‘old’ but what she lacked in youth she made up for in determination!

A very photogenic girl, her picture was called first a record amount of times.


Since winning, she has walked the runway for top New York designer Nicole Miller in New Zealand Fashion Week and modelled for Betsey Johnson.

All in all, it seems winning the show hasn’t hurt the girls careers at all but hasn’t catapulted them into fashion superstardom either. They aren’t internationally successful models, walking in Paris or London but do well, no doubt earning a decent living, mainly in America. The show has certainly helped on their journey as models but unfortunately, supermodels they are not.

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