I’m gonna say something that may shock some of you. A & F is selling padded push-up bikini tops for little girls because they already know that there’s a significant market of parents that would break their necks to be first on line to buy’em.
We have a crisis of bad parenting in this country that very few in this society are willing to address. The whole bullying phenomenon can be traced directly to poor parenting that is failing to teach their crumb-snatchers how to be respective of others.
The Blaze reports that just when you think we have drained everything out of the ‘Stupid Idea’ pool and closed it down for good, someone starts filling it up.
Hello Abercrombie & Fitch.
A & F, the retailer often associated with sexualizing young adults, is selling a padded, push-up bikini top for young girls on their A&F Kids site. (a website with a target audience of 7-13yr olds)
It’s easy to blame the store for selling these kinds of items. Everybody gets all worked up and nobody is willing to get at the real issue of the ones pulling out their credit cards to buy little Suzy a push up to compete with the popular slut down the street.
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