As we close on 2009, the magical aura of President Barack Obama is a faded memory. It all started with so much promise on Inauguration Day where millions of people we’re duped into believing an historic event, the election of Barck Obama as the first Black president, was in itself worthy of voting for him.
“This is history!” they all proclaimed.
That seems to be the only selling point Liberals have to sell. Unfortunately, for millions of the “duh-crowd”, that was enough of an incentive.
But, did it ever occur to anyone that “history” can be either “good” or “bad”. Or is it too much to ask people to think beyond slogans?
We’re hearing the same rhetoric about ObamaCare—it’s historic legislation. But, please ignore the increase in insurance premiums, the rationing of care, and when you do get care, it will be inadequate and many will die that did not die before.
How else do you think Democrats will cut costs?
Yes, we have an historic president and terrorists still want to kill us.
Yes, we have an historic president that never ran a business or a state, or even a rinky dink village, and it shows with each passing day. Obama is good at posing as a president, but not governing like one.
Yes, we have an historic president that thinks it’s better to apologize for America's past without acknowledging her glory.
Yes, we have an historic president that promises transparency only to operate behind closed doors under the cover of deceit to buy votes.
Yes, we have an historic president, but is that helping people pay the bills?
So what has history gotten us?
More terrorists attacks than under President Bush!
National pride down the drain!
10% Unemployment!
Mortgage defaults increasing and foreclosure on the rise!
National Debt that our great great great grandchildren will have to pay back!
There isn’t an abortion procedure that Obama doesn’t like.
But, President Obama gives himself a B+ anyway.
Yeah, history is a hoot and ignorance is bliss.
From The Last Tradition.